Friday, January 17, 2014

Seeking movies of your time on Pioneer Kaserne or with the 516th

In preparation for the September reunion, Raymond Pursley is asking if any of you have any old 8mm film, or VHS, or film that you've converted to disc of the 516th Engineer Company or Pioneer Kasserne. I think we might be able to get it restored and use it to let everyone see things as they were when we have the reunion. Proctor let it slip that he had some of berlin . Part of it has already been converted to disc. I just wonder how much more is out there that we could convert to disc? So, if you have any movies of your time on Pioneer Kaserne or with the 516th, no matter the format, please get in touch with Raymond Pursley, or contact me and I'll get you in touch with him if you don't have his contact information.

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